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Trudeau Announces Reforms to Support Canadian Renters and Promote Homeownership

来源: 红枫林新闻网  日期:2024-03-29 01:46:39  点击: 19371
(Aanchal Nigam / Red Maple)

Image: AP

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced new measures aimed at protecting Canadian renters and facilitating their entry into the housing market, ahead of the 2024 budget. These reforms were introduced as a response to the ongoing affordability crisis that had made homeownership increasingly elusive for many individuals.
In a press release, Trudeau had stated that the proposed three reforms were intended to "make the playing field fairer for renters," acknowledging the difficulty, particularly for younger Canadians, in finding affordable rental accommodations. "That's why in Budget 2024, we had taken action to protect renters, make the rental market fairer, and open new pathways for renters to become homeowners," Trudeau had explained.
One of the key measures proposed was the amendment of the Canadian Mortgage Charter to enable tenants to have their on-time rent payments considered as part of their credit score. This reform aimed to provide renters with better financial recognition and support their transition to homeownership.
Additionally, the government had proposed an allocation of $15 million in new funding to provincial legal aid organizations. This funding was intended to enhance the protection of tenants against unfair rent increases, "renovictions," or problematic landlords.
Another significant proposal was the introduction of a new Canadian Renters' Bill of Rights. This bill would mandate landlords to disclose the historical pricing of a property, thereby enabling renters to negotiate more effectively. Trudeau had emphasized that the bill would "crack down on renovictions, create a nationwide standard lease agreement, and give renters more agency."
Overall, these measures were designed to acknowledge and reward the financial contributions of renters, particularly when they apply for a mortgage to purchase their first home. "Renters deserve credit for the money they put toward rent over the years, especially when it comes time to apply for a mortgage for their first home," the press release had stated.

